Integrating Prescription Statistics and Drug-Drug Interaction into a Drug Trial Knowledge GraphGaining Novel Statistics and Insights from the Multi-Model DrugDBMar 101Mar 101
Augmenting a LangGraph Chatbot with a Dictionary ServiceTeaching the chatbot medical acronyms and synonymsJan 9Jan 9
Published inAI AdvancesFrom LangChain to LangGraph: Making the Multi-Model DrugBot Personal and TeachableAdding memory and learning ability to the human-in-the-loop chatbotNov 23, 20243Nov 23, 20243
Tailor a Multi-Model Chatbot for a Multi-Model DuckDBA Human-in-the-loop chatbot capable of SQL, graph, vector, and full-text queriesOct 30, 20242Oct 30, 20242
DuckDB as a DrugDB: a Free and Simple Multi-Model Drug and Trial DatabaseA fourth case study of the clinical trialsOct 15, 20241Oct 15, 20241
Build a Drug Trial Database with the Multi-Model SurrealDBA third case study of the clinical trialsOct 1, 20245Oct 1, 20245
PostgreSQL Goes Multi-Model: Graph, Vector, and SQLA second case study of the clinical trialsSep 18, 20241Sep 18, 20241
Clinical Trial Search with Google Spanner: Graph, SQL, Vector, and LLM All in One QueryBuild a multi-model database that connects drugs, disorders, and clinical trialsSep 2, 20242Sep 2, 20242
Estimate House Price in Tokyo: the AutoML and MLOps ApproachManaging the H2O AutoML project with Weights & BiasesAug 4, 2024Aug 4, 2024
Published inCodeXOld Drugs, New Uses: the Graph Neural Network ApproachUsing PyG’s link prediction to find new drug indicationsMay 8, 2024May 8, 2024